Monday, March 8, 2010

5 More Quit Smoking Tips

So you have made up your mind that this is the year you will finally break the habit and do away with cigarettes forever. You’ve gathered your support and have some ideas about how you will go about it. But quitting smoking is far from easy and the more information you have, the higher your chances of success. You’ve done your homework and are ready to throw your cigarettes in the trash. Now you must decide the actual technique you will use. Here are five more stop smoking tips to get you started.

Stop smoking tip 1: Many people find that quitting cold turkey is the only way to be successful. For these people, the temptation of one cigarette is too great and leads to more. These people have more of a habitual addiction than a craving for nicotine. Many alcoholics are like this. If they drink nothing they’re fine, but 1 drink inevitably leads to 10 more. For the cold turkey technique to be successful, you must totally remove cigarettes from your life, including friends, family, locations, etc. that expose you to cigarettes. This is difficult for many people.

Stop smoking tip 2:
some people find that a gradual decrease in the number of cigarettes they smoke works better. For this to work, you must gather statistics and make a plan. Determine how many cigarettes you smoke per day. Develop a schedule that reduces that number daily or weekly and stick to it. If you stick to the plan, soon your consumption of cigarettes will be greatly reduced and eventually disappear altogether.

Stop smoking tip 3: Still other people find that the chemical products on the market are the best choice for them. Whether it’s hundreds of packs of nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nicotine pills, etc., they find that the small doses of nicotine help reduce the craving for the more harmful cigarettes. When using this technique, one must remember that the ultimate goal is to be free entirely of the addiction. If you can’t leave the nicotine behind, you’ve simply traded one addiction for another.

Stop smoking tip 4: Talk to your doctor. These days, treatments exist that are only available by prescription and are very effective. If other techniques have failed, this may be a final option.

Stop smoking tip
though some people scoff at the idea, hypnotherapy is becoming more and more popular and many people swear by its effectiveness. If nothing else has worked, you have nothing to lose in trying this healthy, non-invasive technique.
Decide which option is best for you. If one fails, move on to the next and eventually you will be successful.

Why Quit Smoking

If you’ve been dancing around the idea of quitting smoking, there are some important things you need to know. If you’ve ever asked, “Why quit smoking?”  then here is your answer. You need to stop smoking for your overall health and well being.

You can greatly increase the number of years on your life by giving up the cigarettes once and for all. Even a short period of no smoking can generate health results that you can see are real.

There is no reason to keep asking why quit smoking when there is so much information available today about the risks involved. There are also many ways that you can get help in quitting.

There are many great reasons to quit smoking. This is one of the most important decisions you can ever make about your life. It is also one of the greatest things you can ever do for yourself.

There are many different ways to stop smoking such as:

• Gum
• Patches
• Cold turkey
• Acupuncture
• Prescription medication
• Other over the counter aids
• Hypnosis
• Work out- go to the gym
• Get counseling
• And more

There are ways to quit smoking  to fit every smoker and every need. With so many different ways to quit smoking, there’s just no reason to keep asking, “why quit smoking”. If you try one method and it doesn’t seem to work for you, then don’t give up. You can always try another method or seek help from your doctor.

You should quit smoking because you will greatly extend your life by many years. You greatly reduce your risk for heart and lung disorders and cancers. You can increase your energy levels, reduce breathing problems and even make your skin more healthy and vibrant.

When you first stop smoking, you will probably feel bad as your body goes through withdrawal symptoms.

The length of the withdrawals will vary depending on the individual, your overall health and how long you have been smoking. However, as time goes by, you will begin to feel better and better the longer you go without smoking.

Stop Smoking Help Videos

If you are looking for some stop smoking help then check out these videos . They were very helpful to me and they offered some good stop smoking tip
 or two also.

and another

Stop Smoking Tip –The Benefits of Quit Smoking Decision

Here is another stop smoking tip
, Most everyone has heard about the dangers of smoking. However, for many people, these warnings are just not enough to kick the habit for good.

If you’ve wanted to quit but feel like you need more motivation, you should learn about the benefits of quit smoking decision-making. Once you see the great benefits to stopping, you’ll be ready to find stop smoking help today.

When you quit smoking, your body will instantly begin to recover from the experience. In fact, within the first 20 minutes after a cigarette, your body will go through changes such as decreased blood pressure, lower pulse, and normalized body temperature. These are real results you can check for yourself.

But the longer you quit smoking, the more benefits you will see. Later you will experience lower carbon monoxide levels in the body (within seven hours), oxygen levels become restored and you have improved blood circulation. The nicotine levels will start to reduce throughout the whole body.

It just keeps getting better from there because as you would imagine when you quit smoking, the longer you go without a cigarette, the more benefits you will have. After one day of quit smoking, you can reduce your chances of a heart attack by 45%.

After only 48 hours, you will start to feel more energetic and your moods may become more positive. You may also find that you have more stamina and that your muscle coordination increases. You will also be able to sleep better at night. In the days that follow you will continue to see benefits from quitting smoking.

Your lungs become recharged and the bronchial tubes will relax. You will also notice an improvement in conditions that could have been caused by the smoking such as cold feet, irregular blood circulation and peripheral vascular disease.

You will have reduced risk of heart and lung ailments and reduction in depression, sadness, feelings of guilt and more.

You will notice a large increase in your overall mood and well being.

Now these are real results you can have just from taking one stop smoking tip and you also have the satisfaction that comes with quitting a bad habit and making a positive change towards your life and your future.